Slick Slider - Video Slider
previous slide button
Card Title 1

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam sapiente quibusdam labore adipisci.

next slide button

Some info on this demo.

  1. The standard card slider used for displaying videos with associated content, such as a title and a short description.
  2. The video slider contains markup to identify each slide with an associated video. This is done through data attributes placed on the card image. You can see this on lines 3–7.
  3. As for the script, on line 3 set the sliderType variable to video
<div class="cdc-card-slider">
	<div class="card">
		<img alt="Card image cap" class="card-img-top" src=""
		<div class="card-body">
			<div class="card-title h4 text-left">
				Card Title 1
				Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nam sapiente quibusdam labore adipisci.
window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {
	( function( $ ) {

		slickInit( '.cdc-card-slider', {
			'sliderType': 'embedded-video',
			'bodyClass': '',
			'ariaLabel': 'Video Slider',
			'centerMode': false,
			'ariaLabelTarget': '',
			'callback': function( slider, defaults, slick ) {
				$( slider ).addClass( 'cdc-video-slider' );
			'responsive': [
				{ 'breakpoint': 1200, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 992, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 768, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 576, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 0, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1, 'centerPadding': '20px' } }
		} );

	} )( jQuery );
} );
window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() {
	( function( $ ) {

		slickInit( '.cdc-card-slider', {
			'sliderType': 'embedded-video',
			'bodyClass': '',
			'ariaLabel': 'Video Slider',
			'centerMode': false,
			'ariaLabelTarget': '',
			'callback': function( slider, defaults, slick ) {
				$( slider ).addClass( 'cdc-video-slider' );
			'responsive': [
				{ 'breakpoint': 1200, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 992, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 768, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 576, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1 } },
				{ 'breakpoint': 0, 'settings': { 'slidesToShow': 1, 'slidesToScroll': 1, 'centerPadding': '20px' } }
		} );

	} )( jQuery );
} );