All Projects
Bootstrap 4 Cards
Cards are a great way to contain and organize content, or display like-minded content in collections. Cards can be displayed in rows, columns or by themselves. more …
The Datatables javascript library is much more than a fancy way of displaying data in a table. Instead it's a powerful tool for displaying data from a variety of datasources, which can then be sorted and filtered. Most of the demos I have created use custom rendering methods to display the data from Datatables in different components. more …
One of my recent projects was bending Slick Carousel to my will, and boy was it inflexible! It was an adventure into the realities of dependencies in JavaScript development, and as you've likely already picked up on, it was more like Frodo than Bilbo. more …
Syntax Highlighter
While the Syntax Highlighter project could fall firmly under the "Other" umbrella, this one stood out to me and it's also something I use on a semi-regular basis to format HTML, JavaScript and CSS for use in documentation like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. more …
A variety of projects which aren't necessarily related to any other projects or to anything in particular. These might seem a bit random, but they were fun to work on! more …